Think your Workforce is Full Time? Think again.

Peter PsichogiosLearning & Development, Recognition & Engagement Leadership

Today’s workforce is becoming increasingly more part time.  What I mean by part time is not necessarily the number of hours per week an employee works, but more their tenure at your company.  Today’s generation entering the workforce views jobs as opportunities to gather a portfolio of experiences, moving from organization to organization to acquire different skills, sometimes by choice and sometimes by necessity. This part time economy and part time workforce presents both unique opportunities and unique challenges for organizations and their leaders.

As a business leader, you are probably relying more and more on part time or seasonal workers to deliver a stellar service experience to your customers.  So how do you motivate them when you both know they might only be with you for a short amount of time?  Although it might seem counter intuitive, you must invest in your employees, even though they might only be with you for a short time.  This is the key to enabling and engaging them to create an exceptional experience for your customers.  And remember, one terrible customer experience can ruin decades of loyalty, so it is critical that you give your employees the tools to serve your customers, even if they will only be with you for a short time.