“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou
The quote above is powerful and rings true for every person, from every culture, on every continent, in every aspect of their life from business, to family, to social interactions, to customer experiences.
That is why organizations must learn to create exceptional experiences for their people from the inside out. Creating organization alignment and engagement internally will create exceptional experiences externally for your customers.
Exceptional experiences go beyond telling someone they are valued and appreciated, you must make your people feel valued with your actions in order to keep their discretionary energy and loyalty. The same goes for your customer experience. If you simply tell your customers that you value their business but you provide them with terrible service, they aren’t likely to return.
In order to make your people feel valued, appreciated, recognized and rewarded for their loyalty and performance achievement you need an engagement solution that is highly personalized and customized specifically for them. Check out a few of our suggestions here.
One size fits ONE when it comes to organizational engagement
Your leaders, employees, customers and sales partners all want to be recognized and rewarded differently. It’s challenging to engage all of your channel partners uniquely the way they want to be engaged, while having a seamless administrative program. We’ve got a few options for you here.
When you give your people the personalized recognition they deserve, you will make them feel engaged, enabled and motivated to serve your customers. And when you recognize your customers with great service and unique rewards, that leads to more sales, greater loyalty, and more positive referrals!
A personalized, customized engagement program will align your people throughout the organization from your leaders, employees, customers and sales partners!